Suicidal Counselling


Suicidal Counselling

For various reasons, sometimes, people might wonder if killing themselves is their best or only option. All struggles are valid, and with suicide, there are no right or wrong answers.

Sometimes, people may have suicidal ideation (suicidal thoughts and feelings), may have a plan, and even make suicide attempts. People who experience this may do it because of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, despair, or desperation to end the pain.

Suicidal ideation should always be taken seriously. Claiming that it is selfish or an attempt to get attention can be incredibly damaging to the person and further adds to the stigma. If you are experiencing or if someone you know might be displaying hints of suicidal ideation, they should contact a crisis line as soon as possible. Once the situation is stable, a combination of psychotherapy and medication can help give hope to a person that is done with life.